Off-Site Show

$3,500 + GST

Off-site presentations are available for a select group of established brands. Applications for off-site events require a discussion with NZFW, and are subject to prior approval. There are limited off-site event time slots on the NZFW schedule.

Provided by NZFW and included in the fee:

  • Placement on the official NZFW schedule

  • A list of registered delegates / media, and buyers

  • Access to international VIP delegates brought to NZ by NZFW 

  • Invitations extended to delegates if requested

  • VIP delegates transported to and from offsite venues

  • Brand listing and contact details in the official directory provided to delegates

  • Brand listing and hyperlinks included on the NZFW website

  • Inclusion in the Resene Designer Runway Show – a curated in-season runway experience for public audiences

  • Getty Images dedicated NZFW photographers which includes and editing teams that shoot pre-show, runway, and backstage stills

  • Getty Images distribution - meaning international publicity and distribution of runway images with daily global distribution to more than 10,000 Getty Images media clients and Getty subscribers

  • A payment plan - three instalments


  • Access to Getty Images for limited publicity-use on brand-owned social media platforms, $500+gst